Friday, March 16, 2007

marching on



tirra-lirra-la I gloat, I gloat, here me!!!!!!!!

Ding-Dong the witch is dead!!!!!!


For me the the March Madness party normally reserved for a 9 seed winning the Big Dance has begun. To be honest, this party starts anytime a big name program gets upset in the first two rounds - preferably the first round. But this year is something special, Duke out to tiny Virginia Commonwealth University. This isn't quite David and Goliath - its more like Finland vs. Russia in 1940, only Russia doesn't come back in a year to dogpile Finland. And then to have Duke beaten on an almost buzzer-beater. Ladies and Gentleman, I ask you "Can life get any better, I contend it cannot."

To be honest, I really wasn't as into this year's Dance. Maybe its the aftereffect of graduating and leaving that last bastion of immaturity that is college, or it could be that the college basketball season has been relatively devoid of national interest, despite two amazing freshman, two Big Ten teams in the top five for most of the season and a host of players playing reasonably well. In any case, the interest just hasn't been there. But now, I'm locked in.
Bring it on you Cinderella, Bring it on you CBS-contrived storylines in intro's to games that we would sell our friends children's souls to watch anyway (sidenote: WWF should really watch these things to learn how the pro's make up storys), Bring on the hours (cough: wasted) spent in front of the TV agonizing over the fate of Old Dominion and those days spent arguing with your friends about the idiocy of picking Tenessee to win, Bring on this most wonderful time of the year when team rise against team, day after day, hour after hour, second by agonizingly long second, when the lion lays down by the lamb after getting defeated by mouse. Truly, this time is blessed.

Now if Florida could see there way to losing this party would really be rocking.


Anonymous said...

Naaa i think Flordia will make it to the end with Ohio but then Ohio win! ya!

Anonymous said...

what's with this thing against tennessee (with 2 n's, by the way)? glad to see you blogging again.

Anonymous said...

no, ohio and ucla. go ucla!