Friday, May 04, 2007

Goldberg Variations

I'm sitting here, posting instead of going downstairs and talking to people at a graduation party but hey, its all good 'cause I'm listening to the Goldberg Variations by J.S. Bach. This is a work of truly monumental proportions. Bach only wrote two sets of variations for keyboard and this is definitely his best. Its a theme and variations - Bach was supposed to write a set of variations that could put someone to sleep and instead he composed a work that boggles the mind in his use of counterpoint, form and style. He plays the same them 30 different ways - you try thinking of 15 fundamentally different ways to cover the same song and then make every single one of them perfect . . . . its kinda hard.
A lot of people tell me that Bach bores them, and I guess in some ways I understand that (although I never agree with it), but when I sit and listen to the clarity and purity of Bach - his mathematical precision combined with his glorious celebration of life and happiness plus his understanding of the depths of human emotion I am at a loss at how you (the reader) doesn't appreciate the genius it took to construct this work. Bach's genius is on the same level as an Einstein or Da Vinci but the blessing of Bach is that its approachable by any person no matter what level of intellect or musical appreciation - all it takes is a willingness to sit and analyze the music. Anyway, I'm being a music nerd again but you all need to take a half hour and listen to the Goldberg Variations as soon as you can. (note: if you can listen to the Glenn Gould version - if you tend to get bored easily listen to the early set, if you don't mind sitting listen to the late version. If you can't find Gould, any version will be fine).

Peace and Love

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