Tuesday, June 27, 2006

[Fwd: Re: And they're off . . .]

----------- Original Message -----------
Subject: Re: And they're off . . .
From: joshledgerwood@ironwood.org
Date: Thu, June 22, 2006 12:57 am
To: sambrock@ironwood.org

Blog #1

Today a girl kissed a lizard.

Note: it was not at my instigation. In fact I didn't even hear about it
until dinnertime.

Apart from that the day has been uneventful. Just your usual - building
a fence, digging holes, talking to kids, doing a special in the service,
running crowd control at the climbing wall, sitting by the lake trying to
convince a 10 yr old of the sanity of jumping of the dock, swinging on the
rope swing or traveling down a water slide (I'm not sure if I succeeded).
Oh, and don't let me forget the driving around looking for railway ties
and the testing out of the kids games and the destruction of a picnic
table and the eating of meals and the running of the
Tumbleweed, and the fellowship with counselors (I think that I got about
half the day).

Seriously, the last two and a half weeks have been awesome. God has
stretched me in ways that I didn't plan on getting stretched in (like
helping to build cabins and fences and lifeguarding) and enabled me to
help in ways that are more ordinary (working with the music). At the
midpoint of the first week God has already blessed me with challenges and
encouraged me with success when I allow Him too.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Hello from Ironwood

Hello fellow bloggers and all of you people who don't blog but still leave comments on my blog and to all of you people who don't blog because your too lazy. I'm in Matty's office at Ironwood and this last week has been an amazing week for me. If you don't do anything else in your life come to Ironwood for at least a visit - if you don't your stupid. the end.

Today I passed my 500 yds swim test
I cannot begin to tell you how hard that was for me and what a relief it is to have done it. The coolest thing though wasn't me passing but that as soon as I started swimming like eight guys gave up their lunch time to come swim the laps with me. On top of that Matty came up to me right before that and told me he would swim them with me too. That right there made my entire summer. That was so amazing.

Anyway, I have agreed to do little blogs once or twice a week for Ironwood that will be published on their home page. I've set up my account to be able to do email posts and so will also be posting those on here. I'll try to give you people some exclusive information but won't make any promises.

Gotta run but I love you all

(no really I do)