Saturday, April 29, 2006

Social What?

Thought that I have been mulling over for a while now. Why do we think that social skills are so important? I was at Bible Printing one day and the son of the printer was in the building - he's shy and being homeschooled probably doesn't help. Having no kids his age around is also an important factor in the equation. One of the other people with us on the way home made some dumb comment about his (the kid) being homeschooled and having no social skills and it really rubbed me wrong. Just the arrogance of assuming that because the boy found it difficult to relate to other people somehow made him dumb. Then I started thinking - when you talk about men who have changed history you don't deal with a list of people who are easy to get along with: Paul was a fanatic, Jesus was rather revolutionary, Einstein was lost in his own world, Voltaire was arrogant, to name a very select few. There aren't many worldchangers that I could think of that had real people skills. So why do we emphasize and place such a high degree of importance on being able to socialize? Is this a Christian thing, a fundamentalist thing that we have to fellowship with each other and if you can't do that your failing. Is it a school thing whereby those who attended "normal" classes make a clique and exclude those who are different because they don't understand them? Is it Biblical that we emphasize these skills? Does the Bible command or teach us that it is necessary to socialize/get along with people? (Aside: not talking about loving people here - thats obviously commanded). So, tell me what you think: is this emphasis Biblical or not, is it brought about by culture (if so, is it popular culture or Christian culture), is it important to ask these questions? or any other answer to any question you might want to come up with.


I love steak,
Steak is so good
Steak is so much better than ham, chicken, turkey, veal, lamb, mutton, crab, mussel, kiwi, condor, bass, salmon, platypus, and french fries.
Steak is juicy and slides apart in your mouth
I love steak

I got to go to Steakfire on Friday night and apart from having to wait an hour to get to the table it was great. I got a Kansas City Strip steak 16-18 oz. of pure unadulterated bliss. And best of all I went for free (it was the get together dinner for the string prep employees.) So bloggers may you stew in your own juices and feel the envy building up inside of you forevermore. Hahahahahahahahahahahahah (maniacal laughing).

Also, the Jackson Pollack painting seems to have taken a little grief - (see my last post and comments), I'm here to tell you that Pollack doesn't care. Apart from the obvious fact that he's dead and beyond caring is the equally obvious fact that nobody liked him in his lifetime and few people like him after his lifetime.

Another aside: Props to Chelsie for coming through with her promise to do a Starburst post. Must say that it was mildly interesting although I didn't detect the same level of caring in that post than is normally present in a Czichray post. (btw chelsie needs to become a modern painter so that fifty years from now I can point to a painting and say "This is a Czichray" - it just sounds so right).

Unfortunately anonymous ruined my competition and told the whole world what "nemo" meant. So thanks whoever you are for ruining everything (note: this is sarcasm, I actually hated that person for ruining the discussion and stopping the slim possiblity of getting more comments on that post).

Thursday, April 27, 2006

odds and ends

I love finals, I love the panic that invariably sets in to half the student body, I love the time I get to spend with friends, I love the feeling of almost being done, I love the sense of accomplishment when I do a good job on a final, even the pressure I feel to study and review everything I'm supposed to have learned during the year. Its GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat. Anyway heres some thoughts.

  • my room looks like a tornado went through it
  • my mom got me a finals care package (I love mom)
  • I have three finals tomorrow
  • I will graduate one week from tomorrow
  • My car had two flat tires last night
  • I estimate that I have spent roughly 24 hours blogging already
  • Actually, I have no idea how many hours I have spent
  • My room is still a wreck
  • I wore sandals today because I didn't know I wasn't allowed to
  • Justin is hanging with me after finals/graduation
  • I'm graduating
  • I go to Ironwood in just over a month
  • Philip is an amazing brother
  • Ruthann doesn't blog enough
  • I got mentioned in Heather's blog
  • I still haven't figured out how to do links yet so have patience bloggers
  • I would be fascinated to know how many people know what the word nemo means. (note: if you comment on this please do NOT state what it means simply say that you do - I want to know if anybody - besides the normal exclusions - know what I've entitled my blog)

The next bit of this post will be devoted to this picture

This is a painting by Jackson Pollack called "Lavender Mist"

Thoughts or reactions or diatribes would be appreciated.

As an aside: I almost wrote a post on anime, but the inspiration wasn't there and so you receive this somewhat different post.

Does anybody out there know the story of Jason and the Argonauts? (not the awful movie that got made - the Greek story) anyway I was reading a book of Charles Addams cartoons (he's the inspiration behind the Addams family tv series) and he had this cartoon of a test rat running through a maze with a minautre bored Minotaur in the maze, I thought that was pretty cool.

To close I leave you with this Calvin and Hobbes cartoon (btw: Calvin and Hobbes is the best cartoon strip ever - nothing produced today can even come close [it would be like comparing an anthill to Mt Everest] and nothing in the past surpasses its genius, both literary and drawing, or its humor)

Well good night friends

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

On fashion

Why are Christians allowed to be fashionless? why aren't we allowed to know what it is to dress nicely (girls you too are included in this diatribe). Is there some verse in the Bible that I don't know about that forces people, once they are saved, to become culturally backwards? Are we not allowed to make ourselves look presentable? Why does the combover still exist? Why do we have girls that still don't know how to do their hair? I mean come one, if the world is going to laugh at us make them laugh at us for the apparent absurdity of our faith and doctrine, not our outward appearance. (Note: this is a post that extended readers will probably see again because this continually bugs me). I am tired of going to school and seeing maybe three guys who know how to make a reasonable outfit. (I'm not even talking about stunning - just a normal, boring white shirt-khaki pants-matching tie kind of outfit.) And girls -- if I had a dollar for every time a girl wears something that is either: a. completely 100% wrong for her (complexion, hair color, personality etc.) or b. Out of style I would be a very, very, very, very, very, very, rich man.
Aside: lack of money is probably the only accetable excuse for this problem, but even with a shortage of the all necessary cash you can still look presentable.
This lack of fashion also extends to culture: I'm not talking about cheap summer thrillers, or horrendously, disgustingly, awful Christian novels, or blockbuster movies. I'm talking about painting, theatre, (real) books, intelligent conversation, sculpture, architecture, philosophy - i.e. that which separates Western culture and defines it, not the cheap pandering to the masses that is prevalent in our society today. Since when did Christianity serve as an acceptable excuse for ignorance?

Monday, April 24, 2006


There are many things in the world that I hate. Some of them are too offensive to be named ever, some are too offensive to be named in this blog, but this post isn't about hate or love or even indifference. Although all of these emotions are contained in my topic.

I sit back and consider endings. Life is full of ends: end of day, hour, second, century, relationship, meals, classes, lives, cars, trips, good times, bad times, college, grad school, all ends and all beginnings. In the semi-permament state of this world there is death and renewal all the time.

My grandad is 81. He worked hard in this life and provided for his family, now he sits all day in a chair in the sun because he can't do anything else. His face beams like the sun when his grandkids come and sit with him and talk to him. He sleeps all the time except when he goes to church -- you see, my grandfather made a profession of faith last summer. Frankly, I don't even know if he remembers the decision, and there's only the hope and belief in my heart that it was true. My grandmother is in a nursing home recuperating from a broken ankle. She too is 81 and she is sad. Her life is slipping away from her, her normally sharp mind has started to fail her and she is scared to admit that she is incapable of surviving on her on. She fears death, and a couple of days ago she asked my mom to bring her a bible so she could read it. She raised a great family, all of her kids are honest, upright people with great marriages and good families, all of them love their parents and want whats best for them. Right now we're struggling to find care options for them once g-ma comes home from the nursing home. G-pa wants to live with family, G-ma would much rather live on her own.

At the end of my brown study I consider my own life, how I have been blessed with the ability to serve God, how God has given me opportunity and I'm scared because I don't want to waste what I've been given.

But this post isn't about me, or really even about my grandparents, its about ending. Life is a constant process of ending and humans are in a constant state of dying. Until I am able to continually die I will never have the satisfaction of ending.

And so I end.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

"Have you had your silence today?"

I don't want to talk about the sound of silence (although I think it has a sound) I just want to know if you have enjoyed silence. I'm not talking about nobody talking to you while you study or check your email, I'm talking about you shutting everything off (EVERYTHING!!! Including cellphones, computers, pda's, books, people, girlfriend/boyfriend, your mind) and just sitting. This is the most relaxing thing to do (and at this point in the semester we need relaxation).
I often think that old-timers had it all figured out. We used to have this neighbor who every night during the warm weather months he would come and sit on his porch from like 5 until 9. Wouldn't really talk much just sat there; now me being the idiotic elementary/high school kid couldn't figure out why he would want to do that until I tried it. It's amazing how things get put into perspective when you sit and watch the world go by. Its amazing what you hear: birds chirping, people talking and laughing, children playing, your heart beating, the thud of a baseball getting caught, the intensity of the basketball game at the park, the TV inside, etc. And at the end of your break (be it five minutes or 4 hours) you feel refreshed, blessed to have been able to spend time doing nothing. Its amazing what you learn about God when you just sit there (the whole "Be still and know that I am God" is an extremely interesting concept in that God tells the reader to sit down, shut up, and realize God's Godness). So here's a challenge for you: take 5, 10 minutes today and sit down and shut up. Don't check your mail or think about that project, forget about the finals or those demerits, let go of the job/money concerns (your going to have those for the next twenty years no matter what you do and so stressing about them now wont help any anyway). Instead of these distractions look at the world around you, listen to the world around you. Look at the amazing complexity of a blade of grass and the simplicity of a field of grass, pay attention to the amazing blue that the sky is (or the grey that it is, there both amazing), listen to the sounds around you, your dormmates involved in their own lives, sports practice outside, children playing, birds singing, the breeze blowing outside, your own heart beating. Get away from your normal routine and just let the world go by.

For no points but many props can somebody tell me the ancient pop culture reference contained in the title. [as with all internet competitions RuthAnn is not allowed to join and Dale is also forbidden entry in this competition.])

Friday, April 21, 2006

Jam Writing

Hello friends,
When I was in, I think, sixth grade or something my parents had me watch this video series about how to be a good student. And this teacher guy on the tape said various inane piles of garbage like "Listen to the instructions" "Read the instructions" "Do the instructions" "Don't not do the instructions" (actually beyond what I'm about to say I have no idea what he said) so the only thing thats stuck with me is this idea of jam writing which is basically write anything and everything that comes into your head until you feel like stopping. So I went to the senior activity tonight and it wasn't bad (which was a complete surprise because I didn't expect it to be worthwhile at all) the food was very good (and a great portion size). We had breaded chicken breasts with a little asparagus on top and covered in a bit of cheese (side note: cheese makes everything better and if you don't agree your stupid) and then garlicky pototoes (with melted butter drizzled over top) spring vegetables on the side, a perfect size salad (peppercorn and parmesan dressing), rolls and dessert (not quite cheesecake but heading that way). By the way are Baptist college students allowed to know the difference between a martini glass, brandy snifter, shot glass, whiskey glass, and a water glass? because I knew but nobody else at my table did and the seemed shocked that I did. Oh, today I had sorghum molasses and did not like it at all. I did like Heather Waite's post on chocolate which I would link to if I was competent enough but i'm not so I won't. Anyway, I think I'm going to watch "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" because I like the film and its friday and I can. Then tomorrow I'm going to go to the Ironwood picnic (if you don't know its all right) and then I have to take my sister to her lesson (what kind of sister posts about feminazis anyway -- don't answer that, mine does. She's cool) and then I decided that I was done for the night. If I have sufficently weirded you out I'm happy (or possibly I'm not happy but you couldn't tell because non-verbal communication doesn't come through in writing).
Note to Slim: I'm eating frappe tomorrow at the Ironwood picnic but you probably can't have any
Note to Daniel Brier: This is a BWR (Blogging While Random) post
Note to J. Jones: I still need help figuring out these link thingymabobs
Note to any reader who feels like ascribing this to themself: have a great night/day/morning/afternoon/nap/swim/life.

Th-th-th-th-ats all folks!!!


personally I prefer the Kandinsky but not because of the serenity in the Monet or the color of the Kandinsky or any of the reasons mentioned. (btw art is never completely comprehensible - if I were to completely understand the wonder of Beethoven or Monet or Michaelangelo or Jet Li it would cease to be art and become science. that is facts and bits of knowledge put together to form a cohesive whole. By the same token art must always be mostly accessible or it ceases to be art and becomes insanity.) I like the Kandinsky because of the irony of the title. The painting is not "Towards Abstraction" it is abstraction. The Monet is a masterpiece because of its focus on serenity. The story is told of a world-famous French artist (I forget the name) who towards the end of his life got arthritis in his hands, contorting his fingers into impossible shapes. Yet he still painted hours each day, forcing the paintbrush into his fingers and willing the pictures into shape, when asked why he put himself through such pain he said "Pain leaves, the beauty remains"
The Kandinsky is a masterpiece because of its composition; the marriage of color and shape, of line makes it intriguing. I like it because of its incomprehensibility, because of its formed shapelessness. It reminds of of a corncupia.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

You too?

What would you do if everyone in the world depended on you to make the right decision?

"No man is an island, entire of itself every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were.
Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. . ."

--- John Donne

These are some of the most famous of all of John Donnes writings. Hemingway used this passage for the title of the book "For whom the Bell Tolls" and its referenced in other literature as well. I am always shocked at the depth of thought revealed in these words and then appalled by the enormous amount of time that I put into me.

Which do you Like?

The painting on top is called "Toward Abstraction" by Kandinsky
The one on the bottom is called "Field of Poppies" by Monet

Which do you like better?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

length of previous post

sorry, its starting to border on Matty length - I'll endeavor to shut up sooner next time

Reading and the Bible

Ok, if you know anything about me at all you know that I love to read.
I don't mean your average garden-variety love, I mean your head-over-heels, have-to-get-my-fix kind of love. I will read almost anything (kids books, girls books, guys books, short stories, novels, fantasy, comic books, mystery, classics, war, etc. etc. etc.) there are very few genres that I haven't read.
Now as this relates to the Bible. As a piece of literature the Bible ranks up there in the classics. Regardless of whether you believe its true the Bible is an incredible piece of literature (and its being true only adds to its amazing-ness) So why did man go sticking his nose into inspired literature and have to arrange it with chapters and verses. I seriously hate chapter and verse. The text of the Scripture is where the meat is but because we had to have everything all nice and neat and orderly we divided up the paragraphs and sentences into easily palatable portions. Seriously, is there any other writing that man feels the need to go in and alter to fit his reading style? If I were to insert personal numerical divisions into the Iliad I would be torn up and shredded and then burned and my ashes put into an urn and dropped into the Mariana Trench attached to a bomb set to explode once the urn got to the bottom of the seven mile deep trench. But we can do this to the Bible and everybody goes "Oh that's cool"?
(Now in the spirit of attempting to offer a solution) I think there needs to be a Bible with no chapter and verse divisions. Put the text back into paragraph format with book divisions (which actually exist) and let us read the whole thought of the authors without having to pause every .3 seconds to change verses. Maybe everyone else out there can read without having the verse divisions mess you up but its completely beyond me.
So leave me a comment if a) you think you would like a Bible like that b) you think I'm a complete idiot and need to get my head examined, or c) you have a better idea.

Random Thought: You owe the government approximately $28,000 dollars. That's the amount every man, woman and child (and baby) would have to pay to completely payoff the national debt (its something like 8.4 trillion dollars - and you thought your school loan was a lot of money). So dig deep America and lets pay for the wastefulness of past generations.
I love short posts

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

An ode to frappe

I love thee oh orange ice.
Your delectable flavor is as rosebuds at dawn.
I love thy coolness in the hot summer day and night
And I love thy sweetness in the cold winters night.

Truly thou art magnificent and wonderful
Who but thou has a wonderful taste concoction of orange and pineapple (and sugar)?
Who but thou hast the glorious color in the dish, bowl, cup, or bucket?
Who but thou hast the ability to return me to the days of yesteryore when all was right with world?

Bless thee, oh frappe for your simplicity and complexity

This post was composed by Josh and Philip after Josh enjoyed a bowl of Oahu Frappe. If you have not had the opportunity to try this I am sorry for you. Truly frappe is the nectar of the gods (even beating Mountain Dew or coffee or espresso or latte or frappucino or tea or matte or water or steak)

And noooooooooooooooooooooooooow
(to be read in an alternatingly nasal and basso profundo voice - preferably with an East Swahili accent)

Useless Words

So long as we speak the same language and never understand each other,
So long as the spirals of our words snarl and interlock
And clutch each other with the irreckonable gutterals,
Well . . .

By Carl Sandburg

Monday, April 17, 2006

In Pursuit of Excellence

Ok, heres a short, serious post.
Ever since the end of my recital I've had people come up to me and ask me if I'm still taking lessons/what I'm doing now that my recital has finished. I always reply that "yes I'm taking lessons" and go on and tell new music I'm working on and music plans for the immediate future etc. Anyway the vast majority of people seem shocked that I would continue to want to take lessons after 'gasp' you don't have to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean honestly why would anybody actually practice if they weren't required to? why would anybody actually care about their future instead of giving some incredibly cliched, pious, answer that says "well I'll just wait for the Lord to work something out" "I don't like it when people presume on the Lords work and take matters into their own hands" Don't misunderstand me there are (few) times when the Lord actually does want us to sit down and watch him work. But there is never a time when we are allowed to forego the pursuit of perfecting the talents that God has given us.

Random Thought: I turned in my last research paper ever today (until grad school that is). May all you freshmen, sophmores, juniors, and non-graduating seniors have a blessed time writing your papers.

Sunday, April 16, 2006


I know that I made a promise to post only when I wanted too but I have a plea to make.
It's called the Law of Averages and its application to our present situation goes something like this: People as a general rule tend to do a certain thing at different times. i.e. not everybody goes shopping on Monday, Dating on Thursday, and studies at 2:30 pm on Tuesday and Saturday. People do these things at various times and the end result is that somebody is always doing an activity. SO WHY IS NO ONE ELSE POSTING???????????????????????????????????


I was reviewing my posts and comments and have decided that I probably have appeared to be a mean, nasty, bitter, cynical, ugly, disgusting, angry, malicious, horrible, rude person. These things are probably all true BUT I think I have another (possibly) sweeter side that I do strive to destroy at all times. However it rises up from its early grave to choke back my bad angel and send it to an early grave, until it rises up and chokes the good angel and the cycle goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on ad nauseam. So this post is all about peace.
  • I love you
  • I love your friends
  • I love the friends of your friends
  • I love every word that drops from your lips as dew drops from the heavens in the bright blessed morn
  • I love the fact that people read my blog
  • I love the fact that I love to make lists for no apparent reason
  • I love school
  • I love my teachers
  • I love the paper that I'm not writing right now

Ok, I got that out of my system.

By the way, I think I have decided to make my blog a study in pointless lists, and senseless repetition (note: these are not "random" lists or "random" repetitions) Just so you know.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Life as a Colllege Student

I should give prizes to the person who knows who painted this (RuthAnn you are not allowed to ever enter into any of my contests. EVER.) But I won't because everyone should know. [If you don't know google "The Scream" and you should find out rather quickly] Anyway this is my comment on life as a college student. It can be a scream or it can be worth screaming about.

Good Night, and Good Luck

(what famous newsman says this and why should you all be familiar with him?)

Friday, April 14, 2006


Unfortunately people have found my blog. I don't know why. I showed one person and then its just mushroomed. This blog is an in process site. (Although its close to being finished). I'm not quite sure if its solid enough in every detail. therefore tread with caution o ye who invade the castle of this unsightly mind.

Random Thought: I think for the next spirit week we could have a medieval day. guys could dress up as knights/Crusaders (nyuk, nyuk, nyuk)/jesters/pig herders/blacksmith or anything else that could be construed as medieval and the girls and dress up as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . girls? anyway we could skip around banging coconuts together and saying things like "How now varlet, wherefore hast thou trespassed upon this my land. A murrain upon thee and a pox upon thy progeny." And the Dining Hall could have roast boar and no silverware or plates, and we could transform the gym into a gigantic jousting tournament (another opportunity to click our coconuts) and lay siege to various dorms and burn witches and warlocks at the stake (only ones lighter than a goose of course). Anyway I just thought that this was a good idea.

PS: I did NOT just finish watching what you all think I just finished watching. And if you don't know what I'm talking about oh, well.

G'day mates

Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Blogger's Manifesto

I don't promise to post when you want me to.
I don't promise to post as you want me to.
I do promise to be as honest as I can be.
I do not hate you for making me join the blogger world (nobody made me join anyway).
I don't promise to satisfy your demands for a grammatically correct blog.
I don't promise to explain myself.
I won't try to offend you but if I do at least give me the opportunity to defend myself and to apologize
I only talk about what interests me. If thats a problem find some other blogger who talks about whatever it was that you were interested in anyway.
I reserve the right to employ sarcasm and cynicism in my posts (if you can't tell if its either of these things you probably don't know me well enough and you should get to know me better).
I do reserve the right to castigate anyone or anything who is doing wrong.
I promise to let you know what God is doing for me and (hopefully) through me.

This blog will be about me and my outlook on the world. Its views are mine and no one elses. I will be as brutally honest as I can so if you don't like lots of info, go somewhere else.