Thursday, April 26, 2007

what did you get today?

rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain,
rain is good for the ground
rain is good for the farmers
rain is good for the humidity levels
I don't like rain.

(note: this is a textbook example of a form of syllogism called "Josh's logic" after the man who came up with it. Like most logic its form is incomprehensible to all but the educated - making me the tailors of "The Emperors New Clothes" :)

Today is Thursday and I have traveled up to WI in the belief that honoring your job responsibilities is a good thing to do.

But I digress from the real purpose of this post. Two weeks ago I bought a suit. For many guys this is a sentence that would probably cover up weeping and gnashing of teeth. But for me . . . . not so much. The only feeling remotely close to putting on a good suit/tux outfit is performing well. All is right with the world on both of these occasions. My new suit is a beauty: its a super-dark charcoal (very important because: black suits make me look like a vampire, and blue suits tend to be ugly) with a grey-green pinstripe. Its 100% wool - really the only fabric acceptable in a good suit. I got the jacket tailored to make it hang right and the coat is cut longer (almost a lounge coat - but not quite). I also bought a beautiful shirt and several ties to accompany the suit. Also, because the place I bought it from was going out of business I was able to get it for half price (it was still the most expensive outfit I've ever purchased). Anyway, I picked it up today and its better than ever. I can't wait to wear it.

Anyway, enough about me for today. peace and love

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

letter to friends

I welcome you back to the fold. I told this to myself when I promised to be a better poster. I'm sick of not causing hatred and sarcasm by my horrible grammar. So I promise to post often and badly so that all the world may hear of the insignificant details of my life in the tiny village of Shannon (technically, I don't think its even a village, whats smaller than a village?).
Anyway, first things first. For those of you who don't know Pastor Tipmore died this morning (father of Karlyn who is the best friend of Jessica Mundt, I've been in his church and I know Karlyn). Pray for the family.
Today, is a rainy day. Normally I hate the rain - its drippy and wet and makes my car smell musty and in general, is a bigger pain than a blessing. But today its rather nice. I think that given enough inside time I could eventually learn to like the rain. maybe.
I talked about Falls today. Everybody has their own opinions about the place. A lot of people want to know how I'm doing after leaving, if I'm glad or mad or bitter or sad or whatever. How do you explain something that, after your parents, is the single defining influence in your life? How do you explain that the hurt doesn't go away - the loss of what might-have-been is immeasurable. I think it was Albert Schweitzer who said "the greatest loss in war is in the might-have-beens" its not the loss in economy or money but in potential. That's the thing that bothers me most about Falls. No matter how God blesses them or me or my family or anybody involved in the situation, the loss of potential is the hardest to bear.
Anyway, peace and love.