Saturday, April 29, 2006


I love steak,
Steak is so good
Steak is so much better than ham, chicken, turkey, veal, lamb, mutton, crab, mussel, kiwi, condor, bass, salmon, platypus, and french fries.
Steak is juicy and slides apart in your mouth
I love steak

I got to go to Steakfire on Friday night and apart from having to wait an hour to get to the table it was great. I got a Kansas City Strip steak 16-18 oz. of pure unadulterated bliss. And best of all I went for free (it was the get together dinner for the string prep employees.) So bloggers may you stew in your own juices and feel the envy building up inside of you forevermore. Hahahahahahahahahahahahah (maniacal laughing).

Also, the Jackson Pollack painting seems to have taken a little grief - (see my last post and comments), I'm here to tell you that Pollack doesn't care. Apart from the obvious fact that he's dead and beyond caring is the equally obvious fact that nobody liked him in his lifetime and few people like him after his lifetime.

Another aside: Props to Chelsie for coming through with her promise to do a Starburst post. Must say that it was mildly interesting although I didn't detect the same level of caring in that post than is normally present in a Czichray post. (btw chelsie needs to become a modern painter so that fifty years from now I can point to a painting and say "This is a Czichray" - it just sounds so right).

Unfortunately anonymous ruined my competition and told the whole world what "nemo" meant. So thanks whoever you are for ruining everything (note: this is sarcasm, I actually hated that person for ruining the discussion and stopping the slim possiblity of getting more comments on that post).


Anonymous said...

I agree.
Steak is better than any other meat in the whole wide world.
There are three foods that I feel like eating every single day.
1. Some form of pizza (Homemade, frozen, ordered).
2. Steak (with sauted onions on top).
3. Milios #4 sub on white bread (8" or 16" if I'm feeling indulgent).
Thank you for blogging about a subject deep and close to my heart.
May Steak and Pizza and Milios subs live on forever.

Anonymous said...

Props to you, Josh, for spelling my last name right! :) Oh, and if I ever paint something, I'll give it to you.