Friday, April 21, 2006

Jam Writing

Hello friends,
When I was in, I think, sixth grade or something my parents had me watch this video series about how to be a good student. And this teacher guy on the tape said various inane piles of garbage like "Listen to the instructions" "Read the instructions" "Do the instructions" "Don't not do the instructions" (actually beyond what I'm about to say I have no idea what he said) so the only thing thats stuck with me is this idea of jam writing which is basically write anything and everything that comes into your head until you feel like stopping. So I went to the senior activity tonight and it wasn't bad (which was a complete surprise because I didn't expect it to be worthwhile at all) the food was very good (and a great portion size). We had breaded chicken breasts with a little asparagus on top and covered in a bit of cheese (side note: cheese makes everything better and if you don't agree your stupid) and then garlicky pototoes (with melted butter drizzled over top) spring vegetables on the side, a perfect size salad (peppercorn and parmesan dressing), rolls and dessert (not quite cheesecake but heading that way). By the way are Baptist college students allowed to know the difference between a martini glass, brandy snifter, shot glass, whiskey glass, and a water glass? because I knew but nobody else at my table did and the seemed shocked that I did. Oh, today I had sorghum molasses and did not like it at all. I did like Heather Waite's post on chocolate which I would link to if I was competent enough but i'm not so I won't. Anyway, I think I'm going to watch "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" because I like the film and its friday and I can. Then tomorrow I'm going to go to the Ironwood picnic (if you don't know its all right) and then I have to take my sister to her lesson (what kind of sister posts about feminazis anyway -- don't answer that, mine does. She's cool) and then I decided that I was done for the night. If I have sufficently weirded you out I'm happy (or possibly I'm not happy but you couldn't tell because non-verbal communication doesn't come through in writing).
Note to Slim: I'm eating frappe tomorrow at the Ironwood picnic but you probably can't have any
Note to Daniel Brier: This is a BWR (Blogging While Random) post
Note to J. Jones: I still need help figuring out these link thingymabobs
Note to any reader who feels like ascribing this to themself: have a great night/day/morning/afternoon/nap/swim/life.

Th-th-th-th-ats all folks!!!


Heather said...

yay--this is one of my favorite forms of writing, a little dizzying maybe, but it made me laugh.

- sent to serve - said...
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