Monday, April 17, 2006

In Pursuit of Excellence

Ok, heres a short, serious post.
Ever since the end of my recital I've had people come up to me and ask me if I'm still taking lessons/what I'm doing now that my recital has finished. I always reply that "yes I'm taking lessons" and go on and tell new music I'm working on and music plans for the immediate future etc. Anyway the vast majority of people seem shocked that I would continue to want to take lessons after 'gasp' you don't have to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean honestly why would anybody actually practice if they weren't required to? why would anybody actually care about their future instead of giving some incredibly cliched, pious, answer that says "well I'll just wait for the Lord to work something out" "I don't like it when people presume on the Lords work and take matters into their own hands" Don't misunderstand me there are (few) times when the Lord actually does want us to sit down and watch him work. But there is never a time when we are allowed to forego the pursuit of perfecting the talents that God has given us.

Random Thought: I turned in my last research paper ever today (until grad school that is). May all you freshmen, sophmores, juniors, and non-graduating seniors have a blessed time writing your papers.


- sent to serve - said...

Yeah Josh, why are you still practicing? Jjk. :-) That's almost like thinking that once a pastor passes his ordination stuff that he never has to study again....Lol. Right. You should have a party since you turned in you last paper. :-)

Slim said...

curse you and your turning in of a last paper.....I pray someday I may feel this joy, probablly never.

kathryn said...

i absolutely agree! at the same time thanks for the challenge, i continually need it.
response to random thought: yeah to being (almost) DONE! :)