Saturday, April 29, 2006

Social What?

Thought that I have been mulling over for a while now. Why do we think that social skills are so important? I was at Bible Printing one day and the son of the printer was in the building - he's shy and being homeschooled probably doesn't help. Having no kids his age around is also an important factor in the equation. One of the other people with us on the way home made some dumb comment about his (the kid) being homeschooled and having no social skills and it really rubbed me wrong. Just the arrogance of assuming that because the boy found it difficult to relate to other people somehow made him dumb. Then I started thinking - when you talk about men who have changed history you don't deal with a list of people who are easy to get along with: Paul was a fanatic, Jesus was rather revolutionary, Einstein was lost in his own world, Voltaire was arrogant, to name a very select few. There aren't many worldchangers that I could think of that had real people skills. So why do we emphasize and place such a high degree of importance on being able to socialize? Is this a Christian thing, a fundamentalist thing that we have to fellowship with each other and if you can't do that your failing. Is it a school thing whereby those who attended "normal" classes make a clique and exclude those who are different because they don't understand them? Is it Biblical that we emphasize these skills? Does the Bible command or teach us that it is necessary to socialize/get along with people? (Aside: not talking about loving people here - thats obviously commanded). So, tell me what you think: is this emphasis Biblical or not, is it brought about by culture (if so, is it popular culture or Christian culture), is it important to ask these questions? or any other answer to any question you might want to come up with.


Unknown said...

I think that social skills is a very broad term that can be divided into two sides, spiritual and social. Arrogance is an aspect of pride which is a sin. Being self-centered is an aspect of pride as well. Oftentimes, what we label as social skills are actually aspects of love. Care for another person, being more interested in someone else's life than in your own. Love is an attractive personality trait. However, we do often expect extroverted amiableness and call someone who lacks that socially inept. If social skills are defined as an abiility to carry on a conversation I don't think they are very important, but if social skills means not ticking everyone off because you (not you in particula, Josh) are a jerk then I think they are important.

oneweekend said...

Actually Josh, I do think you are a jerk.

Noah said...

Well, look at my social skill development, I mean... .:quietly:. oh wait, never mind.


cassiopeiarl said...

But wait, Josh. You forgot Mother Teresa. She changed the world and she was so nice and kind to everyone. Maybe people can be nice and change the world at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I love you RuthAnn.
There is no other way to express it.
Your comment was genius