Saturday, April 15, 2006

Life as a Colllege Student

I should give prizes to the person who knows who painted this (RuthAnn you are not allowed to ever enter into any of my contests. EVER.) But I won't because everyone should know. [If you don't know google "The Scream" and you should find out rather quickly] Anyway this is my comment on life as a college student. It can be a scream or it can be worth screaming about.

Good Night, and Good Luck

(what famous newsman says this and why should you all be familiar with him?)


cassiopeiarl said...

Curse you for using one of my favorite paintings. I had an idea for a post about crazy, random paintings, and now I can't include "The Scream."

By the way, oh you fifth year college senior, college is spelled with TWO l's.

jaron said...

I found it first, you lose because you don't post (I know you posted just last night but you understand what I'm saying). Also colllege was another philisophical statement on the quasi-worthlessnes of college. If after five years I can't even spell college correctly then what point was there in these past five years?