Thursday, April 27, 2006

odds and ends

I love finals, I love the panic that invariably sets in to half the student body, I love the time I get to spend with friends, I love the feeling of almost being done, I love the sense of accomplishment when I do a good job on a final, even the pressure I feel to study and review everything I'm supposed to have learned during the year. Its GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat. Anyway heres some thoughts.

  • my room looks like a tornado went through it
  • my mom got me a finals care package (I love mom)
  • I have three finals tomorrow
  • I will graduate one week from tomorrow
  • My car had two flat tires last night
  • I estimate that I have spent roughly 24 hours blogging already
  • Actually, I have no idea how many hours I have spent
  • My room is still a wreck
  • I wore sandals today because I didn't know I wasn't allowed to
  • Justin is hanging with me after finals/graduation
  • I'm graduating
  • I go to Ironwood in just over a month
  • Philip is an amazing brother
  • Ruthann doesn't blog enough
  • I got mentioned in Heather's blog
  • I still haven't figured out how to do links yet so have patience bloggers
  • I would be fascinated to know how many people know what the word nemo means. (note: if you comment on this please do NOT state what it means simply say that you do - I want to know if anybody - besides the normal exclusions - know what I've entitled my blog)

The next bit of this post will be devoted to this picture

This is a painting by Jackson Pollack called "Lavender Mist"

Thoughts or reactions or diatribes would be appreciated.

As an aside: I almost wrote a post on anime, but the inspiration wasn't there and so you receive this somewhat different post.

Does anybody out there know the story of Jason and the Argonauts? (not the awful movie that got made - the Greek story) anyway I was reading a book of Charles Addams cartoons (he's the inspiration behind the Addams family tv series) and he had this cartoon of a test rat running through a maze with a minautre bored Minotaur in the maze, I thought that was pretty cool.

To close I leave you with this Calvin and Hobbes cartoon (btw: Calvin and Hobbes is the best cartoon strip ever - nothing produced today can even come close [it would be like comparing an anthill to Mt Everest] and nothing in the past surpasses its genius, both literary and drawing, or its humor)

Well good night friends


cassiopeiarl said...

Of course I know what Nemo means.
I can't believe you think Calvin and Hobbes is the best. Far Side far out-ranks C & H, with it's subtle diatribes pointed at middle-class America.
We're all too busy reading your blog to post anything of our own.

cassiopeiarl said...

And whatever about the "inherent, logical link."

jaron said...

I entitled my post odds and ends for a reason RuthAnn. Besides I didn't say how my posts would be connected just that they would be (and they are) and I didn't say that you would be able to understand the link, just that it would be there

Anonymous said...

You mean there are people in the world that don't know what nemo means?
Calvin and Hobbs would never be allowed on my door, that spot is reserved for the all sacred Far Side Calendar and of course "The World according to Garfield" poster.

Anonymous said...

I don't like it. Sorry, Josh, that painting looks like a slab of granite.

Heather said...

I have looked in several dictionaries. I even went online and found several acronyms (all of which I’m pretty sure are NOT what you were going for), but I cannot for the life of me figure out what nemo means, and it’s been driving me nuts for weeks…
By the way Chelsie, it doesn't really look like a slab of granite if you look at it up close. It looks more like ink splattered...on a slab of granite.

Anonymous said...

Nemo, if I'm right, is Latin for "nobody" or "no one."